Sponsorship of activities during the Atlantic Poultry Conference is a great way to get your company name in front of your customers and clients in the poultry industry!  Sponsorship opportunities and rewards are detailed below.

Sponsorship Process – Please review the list of sponsorship rewards and opportunities below.  Once you have chosen the events you wish to sponsor, please complete this online sponsorship form.  Also visit the registration portal and use code APCSponsor to discount your tickets for your two free conference registrations. 

Check back for updates.

Recognized Conference Sponsorship Levels:

Diamond: Sponsor value of $8000+
Platinum: Sponsor value of $5000 – $7999
Gold: Sponsor value of $3000 – $4999
Silver:  Sponsor value of $1000 – $2999
Bronze: Sponsor value < $1000

Sponsorship Rewards:

Diamond Sponsor:

  • Company Banner at the event (Supplied by the Company)
  • “Presented by (Company Name)” showcased on Conference website and all conference material
  • Top billing on promotion and signage
  • Logo on Conference website homepage page with link to your website
  • Logo on Conference monitors
  • Acknowledgement on Conference agenda
  • Two free conference admissions

Platinum Sponsor:

  • Company Banner at the event (Supplied by the Company)
  • Keynote – Introduction of the speaker
  • “Presented by (Company Name)” showcased on Conference website and all conference material
  • Second billing on promotion and signage
  • Logo on Conference website sponsor page with link to your website
  • Logo on Conference monitors
  • Acknowledgement on Conference agenda
  • Two free conference admissions

Gold Sponsor:

  • Logo on Conference website sponsor page with link to your website
  • Acknowledgement on Conference agenda
  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship support at beginning of speaker session
  • Two free conference admissions

Silver Sponsor:

  • Logo on Conference website sponsor page with link to your website
  • Acknowledgement on Conference agenda
  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship support at beginning of speaker session
  • Two free conference admissions

Bronze Sponsor:

  • Logo on conference website sponsor page with link to your website
  • Recognition as speaker gift or student award is given
  • Two free admissions

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Reception Evening Maritime Kitchen Party
Lunch  – $6,000
Keynote Speaker – $5,000
Workshop – $5,000
Chicken Roost Reception – $3,500
Nutrition Breaks (4) – $3,000 each
Afternoon Break 

Speakers – $3,000 each (two presentations)

Speakers – $2,000 each

Reception Entertainment – $2,000
Reception Souvenirs – $2,000
Dalhousie University Scholarship – $1,000 
Speaker Gifts – $500 
Conference Bags – $500 
Student Poster Awards (2) – $500 each 
Early Bird Draws (7) – $250